judgemental mindset
"Judgemental Mindset" What does it means?
These people are those who see someone and based on their looks or actions they pass judgment on him. They don't make an effort to get to know the person or understand him or see whether their judgment was right or not. They think they are always right about everything & everyone else is wrong. No matter what you say they always find some way to derail the conversation. They judge without understanding and that's the end of it they don't try to find out more.
Judgemental people have three common traits, they are over critical, they show no respect for the person they are critical of and they Justify what they say because they believe it is true. Judgemental people are those if you get too close to them you could get hurt.
What do you say to judgemental person?
We Are all judgemental many times. I think it's human nature. While it's in our human nature it is not always useful to us. Instead of judging someone for what he is done or how he looks, try instead to understand the person. Put yourself in their shoes. Try to imagine their background. If possible talk to them find out their backstory, everyone has one. If not try to imagine the circumstances that might have led to the person acting or looking like they do & Stop judging others. Show them some kindness. Avoid passing judgment & instead build a bridge between two human beings.
How to deal with judgemental people?
You will encounter many toxic people in your life, but your task should be how to cleanse your inner thoughts with such toxicity because if you make the inner world pure, the outside world will be pure as well.
We can't change how people act or talk around us, but we can change how we act around them. The negativity is not our if we don't take it. When you lose control over your thoughts & whenever your thinking isn't that positive & uplifting, that's when things start go wrong. Like attracts like, if there is darkness within, there will be darkness without.
If people are judging you harshly, don't take it personally & know that it is probably because they judge themselves harshly. Don't let their toxic words go to your heart. Do not embrace their negativity but learn to deal with a positive attitude. Don't poison yourself with things that have little or nothing to do with who you are. What others say & do is a projection of their own reality, their own dreams.
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